founder message

Sr. Maria Jyothi A.C started the school in the Year 1970 August 4th as a Centenary memorial of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation in India. She started the school with only 5 children in the "Rest" a small cottage , in the St. Agnes Convent campus.
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Principal's Message

Educating the mind without educating the heart is not educating at all” (Aristotle). Welcome to our School website Our school motto is “In Love we Grow” we cater to the needs of students with Intellectually challenged from age 4 till 18 years and then train them w...
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In 1970 when the Apostolic Carmel Congregation was celebrating its Centenary of its ministry in the field of Education in India, Mother Thedosia A.C the then Superior General found a void in the scheme of education - the education of the Mentally Retarded (Now called Intellec...
More about usVision and Mission

Inspired by Christ’s Compassion for persons with disability and the charism of our Foundress Mother Veronica, the staff of special School, strives to help those , under their charge, to accept their condition and to use their potential to the maximum extent and thus leading t...
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Through the academic programme many students have learnt reading and writing. Through the dedicated service of the staff members more than 50 students have the joy of going back to the regular school

All the activities that are offered to the regular school children are made available to differently abled students – such as games...
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In order to strengthen the bond between the parents and teachers and to secure cooperation of both for the welfare of the students...
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Studying is for everyone, we offer the best services for differently abled
Computer Lab : St. Agnes Special School computer training centre started in the year 2000. It was constructed with the generous donations of Kuwait Canara Welfare Association Kuwait in order to help the children with special needs. At present around 50 to 60 children are benefitting from this. We have regular computer teacher who trains the children according to their ability. Children learn to...
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Gandhi Jayanthi-2024
Oct 02 2024

Nativity Feast-2024
Sep 08 2024
School Bus
Sep 04 2024

Teachers' Day -2024
Sep 05 2024
Our staff

The staff, about 28 devoted individuals, render their dedicated and selfless services to the special children.
At present 28 staff members render their dedicated services to the institutions. They are all qualified to teach the children with special needs with their Diploma in Special Education course and have received their RCI registration as Special Educator. Among the 28 teachers we have Craft instructor, Physical Education Director, Computer Teacher, Instructor at the Book- Binding Section, Carpentry Section and Home Science Section. Others are the Special Educator in the School Section. The Whole staff meets every month to evaluate the activities and plan for the coming month. They also have orientation talks at the beginning of the academic year. Once a year they go on a educational tour in order to have better knowledge and learning.
Vocational Training
The physically and mentally challenged adults are taught vocational skills like book binding, Carpentry, chalk making, drwing, painting, stitching, flower making and other crafts while some earn, others spend their time usefully contributing their best in the production unit.
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Training Institute
The Sisters of the APOSTOLIC CARMEL CONGREGATION founded by MOTHER VERONICA in 1870 pioneering girls’ education in Karnataka have been striving towards developing students under their care as persons of deep faith in God and in themselves and building of the precious human resources of our country

The aim of this course is to prepare the trainee teacher to screen, assess, educate and train persons...
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On completion of the course the trainee teacher is expected to perform the following functions...
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St. Agnes Teacher Training Institute for Special Education is a Study Centre of National Programme...
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Opposite St.Agnes College, KMC Mercara Trunk Rd, Mallikatte,
Kadri, Mangaluru, Karnataka 575002